Do: Hire a professional if you’re not comfortable tackling a project yourself. Don’t: Try to save money by hiring your cousin’s ex-girlfriend’s uncle, who “knows a thing or two about construction.”

Do: Make a budget and stick to it. Don’t: Start tearing down walls and then realize you don’t have enough money to finish the project.

Do: Plan ahead and get all necessary permits. Don’t: Try to pull a fast one on the building inspector by pretending your shed is actually a “tiny home” and you’re a “modern-day Thoreau.”

Do: Measure twice, cut once. Don’t: Use your fingers to estimate how long a piece of wood should be and then wonder why your shelves keep collapsing.

Do: Take breaks and stay hydrated. Don’t: Forget to eat or drink for three days because you’re “in the zone” and then pass out from dehydration in the drywall dust.

Do: Use protective gear. Don’t: Wear flip flops and shorts while using a power saw.

Do: Be mindful of your neighbors. Don’t: Start your demolition at the crack of dawn or at late hours when you know they have an important conference call, early morning flight, or need to get some rest.

Do: Keep a clean and organized workspace. Don’t: Leave your tools scattered around the house and then trip over them in the middle of the night.

Do: Test out paint and finish samples before committing. Don’t: Paint your entire living room neon green and then decide it’s not the look you were going for.

Do: Have fun and enjoy the process! Don’t: Get so stressed out that you pull out all your hair and end up looking like a balding Danny Devito.

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